Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1713-1717. 29

for his post. Encloses Lieut, Jeffreyson's memorial of his sufferings since the establishment of this govt. "wch must be Confessed Extremely severe." C. recommends him earnestly on account of his invariable good conduct. Armstrong has obtained eight months' leave. C. is informed that A. has written against him; cannot imagine why unless it be for "Acquainting of him of his unreasonable Proposalls and Arbitrary Inclinations wch most of ye People here are Sensible off."

Caulfeild to Vetch. [50

Acknowledges receipt V. 's letter per transport loaded with provisions. Only too sensible of N.'s malice: had his designs Annapolis. been carried into effect, C. is persuaded that there would not be an inhabitant of any kind in the country nor a garrison on foot, "when I Recollect his Declaration to ye Inhabitants and afterwards to ye Soldiers wherein he tould ye latter that ye ffrench were all Rebells, and would certainly Cutt their throats if they went into their houses telling of Us Wee must have no Manner of Correspondence with them and Ordered ye Gates of ye Garrison to be Shutt; Tho' at ye same time he was Sensible that Wee could not Subsist the Ensuing Winter but by their Means. "A description of all he did would be endless; cannot forbear to relate one incident: "as he was in his house, he Observed one of ye Souldiers comeing into the Garrison with a Rotten Pallasadoe, one of those You formerly displaced and removed, upon wch he called for all y Officers of ye Garrison and in a very Unbecomeing Manner told Us, Wee should loose ye Garrison, if there was not better Care taken and Ordered the fellow to prison, and in two days afterwards he did not leave one Palisadoe Standing about the Garrison, which remains so to this day." It would puzzle the wisest head in Europe to find anything N. has done of the least benefit to the garrison or colony."

Nov. 1.


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