Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  240  Nova Scotia Archives.

In order that the parties may come an agreement, or that the matter may be settled by law, Pierre Blanchard, Charles Martin and Francis Amiran, the three Deputies who live nearest, are named arbitrators to go to said place In dispute at Round Meadow some day this week, and look into the agreement made by these two parties by arbitration, by which this piece of fence is to be made [paper decayed: words missing], which must pay the costs of it, and what part of the fence each of the parties must keep up, in proportion to his division of the land. To make a faithful report of the matter, in case the parties do not agree.

Annapolis, June 2, 1740.
Wm. Shirreff, Sec.y

NOTE. I am not sure that I have read this correctly: the phrases "Couchure dont un morceau" and "ce moreau de Bouchure" seem to refer to the same thing: but the dictionaries do not notice either "couchure" or "bouchure." A friend informs me that "bouchure" is in use among the Acadian French of Nova Scotia in the sense of "fence."— [ED.}

Order for Repairing Road. [304

To the Deputies of the Annapolis River, Weather favorable for repairing the road which runs from the Cape to the shore (" Grave"). Deputies are to assign without delay, to every habitan what he is to contribute to the work. It is a public highway used by everybody. Everyone must, according to custom, contribute in proportion, material, labor or carriage, or else a payment. Deputies to undertake this, and render an account, that all may be satisfied.

Annapolis, June 4, 1740.
P : Mascarene

Order to Return Arms.

Several muskets have been lent to the habitans of this Cape and River by the servants of the late Mr. Armstrong. Deputies to announce to all and sundry that habitans who have muskets or other property belonging to the late Mr.


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