for having Done their Duty in bringing them to the Governour, and not Doubting but that they Would according to their promises faithfully Discharge the Trust of Deputees, and by their Vigilence prevent all Such Disorders in the Government for the future, were willing to Sett the Aforesaid Girouar, Michell and Joseph Brusar at Liberty; But Assured them that if any Disorders Should happen hereafter the Aggressors Should be Severely punished
Whereupon the Deputees being called & thereof Acquainted they Returned thanks to the Governor and Council & promised to use their Utmost Endeavours that no Such thing should happen for the Time to Come
And they the Said Girouar, Michell and Brusar being allso Called and reprimanded, they allso Returned Thanks (being Informed that out of .Respect to the Deputees they were Sett at Liberty) and promised Never to be Guilty of the like for the future, but Dutifully to behave themselves in all Respects to the Government & Being Dismissed. the Council Adjourned [98]
At a Council held at the Honourable L.t Governour John Doucetts house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Saturday the 29th of Aug. 1724
Present The Honourable Lievt Governor President Major Paul Mascarene John Adams Esq | William Skene Esq William Shirreff Esq |
Father Isidore the Romish priest Exam- ined about the Indigns design
The Honourable L.t Governour Acquainted the Board that Pere Isidore from Pigiguit was Come According to his Orders to be Examme before the Board Upon the late affairs of the Indians; and having Appeared before the Board, there were put to him the following Questions to which he made Answer Viz.t
Ques.t 495
Father Isidore was you with the other Missionarys at their Councils