Goods Furniture & Wearing Apparell And in regard to the House & Garden as Edward How Esq Intends to be the Purchaser it was Agreed that he & the Administratrix Should Each of Them Chuse a Skillfull Person and that these two Thus Chosen Shall Chuse a Third to Judge and Determin the Difference between the Buyer & Seller and the House and Garden are thus left to Arbitration. But the Appraisers of the Personall Estate Nominated & Appointed by the Board are Accordingly upon Their Acceptance Authoriz'd & Impowered to Proceed and According to the Best of their Skill & knowledge faithfully to Appraise and Value the Same and to make Report Thereof in Writing to the Truth of which the said Appraisers are Requir'd to make Oath Before this Board.
A True Copy and Record By His Honour the Presidents Command & with the advice & Consent of Council Wm. Sherriff Secty
Province Nova Scotia Minutes of Council. At a Council held by Order of the Honble Paul Mascarene Esqr President of his Majesty's Council for the Province of Nova Scotia &ca On Monday the 9th of April 1744, at Ten o Clock A. M.
PRESENT His Honour the President William Skene Esq William Shirreff Eras Jas Philipps Esq | Otho Hamilton Esq Edward How Esq John Handfield Esq |
Then was Read a memorial of Edward How Esqr Setting forth the state of Canso and Representing how Advantageous that place might prove to his Majesty and his Leige Subjects if it was Duely Encouraged by Establishing some Civil Power there for Deciding Differences in Regard to the fishery &ca And Inflicting Punishment for Petty crimes and Reffering the Consideration Thereof to the Board, his Honour Then Ask'd him what Particulars of Encouragement he had to propose in answer to which he Represented as follows,
To Witt "A Commission to be made out as formerly for "Holding a Court of Justice "Two Justices who are Presidents to be Appointed "No Inhabitant to Retail with a Licence from the "Court of Justices Except upon the Hill of Canso Orders "to be Sent to the Commanding Officer of the Troops to be "Aiding and Assisting to the Court of Justices when Required "That District to be form'd into a Township and