Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

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Letter, Joseph Curtis, Roxbury, to John Easson

Personal news and remarks concerning Easson's request for two plows and a pair of cartwheels. Curtis ends with "I think It was the year the Tea was Destroyd that you wintered at my house and you said it would coust Newingland Dear, and I think It has old Ingland Two."

Date: 20 March 1784

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/138

Transcript available

Letter, Joseph Patten to John Easson

As executor of will of John Parsons he is collecting payment money owed the estate of £25 sterling.

Date: 6 July 1779

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/37

Transcript available

Letter, Joseph Totten to David Easson

Totten is about to depart for New York and may be absent several months; asks Easson to take care of two properties -- one Totten has recently purchased from David's father and is in the possession of Mr. Ritchie; the other wa spurchased from Mrs. Mary How, who remains in residence until "the deeds are executed."

Date: 2 August 1783

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/133

Transcript available

Letter, Joseph Wheelock, JP, Bridgetown, to David Easson

J.B. Gidney claims to have routinely mailed Easson issues of the Examiner (newspaper), April to November 1862. The subscription was paid in full up to the first of April; subsequently the newspaper was never stopped or returned by Easson. On behalf of Gidney, Wheelock now seeks recovery for a debt of $2.75 plus costs, from Easson.

Date: 26 August 1866

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/323

Transcript available

Letter, Joseph Winniett Jr. to David Easson

Requesting Easson to give Thomas Lecain 600 feet of boards and charge them to Winniett's account.

Date: 13 August 1786

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/97.1

Transcript available

Letter, Joshua Mauger, Annapolis Royal, to Major Philipps

Regarding the loss of the sloop Wren and the appointment of arbitrators in Boston. Partial letter.

Date: 1 April 1754

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/24

Transcript available

Letter, Joshua Peirce, Portsmouth, to John Easson

Regarding mill stones to be shipped from Portsmouth to Boston by Captain George Janvering [Janverin], care of John West, for shipment to Annapolis; and bill for £172-14-0.

Date: 9 October 1749

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/5

Transcript available

Letter, Katharine Curtis, Roxbury, to John Easson

Personal letter, writing of news in Massachusetts during the late war; there were 100 soldiers encamped in her house for a year. Asks Easson to send "Six good Sable Skins."

Date: 20 March 1784

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/137

Transcript available

Letter, Lane & Booth to John Easson

"I am sorry to find you have been so much harassed by the French this last Winter and that you are so great a sufferer by their depredations. However we Flatter our Selves you'l be Releived on the Arrival of Lord Loudon…". Partial letter, undated but ca.1753-54.

Date: ca.1753-54

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/22

Transcript available

Letter, Lane & Booth, London to John Easson

Concerning the widow of the late Lieutenant Bontien.

Date: 24 February 1761

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/17

Transcript available

Letter, Lane & Booth, London, to John Easson

Ordnance business and mercantile affairs.

Date: 15 February 1764

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/19

Transcript available

Letter, Lane & Booth, London, to John Easson

Business and personal matters.

Date: 17 May 1757

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/16

Transcript available

Letter, Major Erasmus J. Philipps, Annapolis Royal, to Joshua Mauger

Regarding Capt. Mauger's failure to obtain insurance on the sloop Wren, and agreeing to accept £150 as a settlement from him. John Easson and Daniel Dyson signed their approval.

Date: 26 November 1754

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/37

Transcript available

Letter, Michael Francklin to David Easson

Advising that Israel [?] Little is coming to Annapolis with some chains for the masting business and may want some back freight. Also refers to previous letter about an order to a man at Cornwallis.

Date: 8 January 1781

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/71

Transcript available

Letter, Michael Francklin, Windsor, to David Easson

Regarding Easson's licence to cut wood and their agreement for lumber. A copy of licence is written into the letter.

Date: 10 January 1781

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/122

Transcript available

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