Asking Easson to help his brother find a good farm for £100 and wondering if "Mr. Butler at Halifax would be a safe place to lodge the money." 21 September 1773. 2 pages : 30 x 39 cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/88
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Placentia Septr 21st 1773
Dear Sir
Your very obliging favour by Barker
Duely Received & Nothing could give me more
Pleasure than to find my Brother was
come up to Boston & going down under your
protection to Annapolis. I wrote you a few
days ago by way of Boston & did intend Sending
the Letter that way but now an opportunity
immediately offers for Halifax have sent these
Letters to the Care of John Butler Esqr at Halifax
with whom I have some Correspondence. I before
wrote you that I was going home but it will
be very Late before I shall be able to get away
I beg you’ll write me to England to the Care of
Mr Moses Neaves Merch’t at Poole, how my
Brother likes Annapolis & If you are in hopes
of purchasing a farm for Him, I would be
glad you would write me whither you think
Mr Butler at Halifax would not be a safe
Hand to lodge the Money in for to purchase
the farm for my Brother as I told you I would
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