Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, William Saunders, Placentia, to John Easson

Saunders, apparently a military friend, writes, "it would be the greatest cruelty to think of ordering you to this place. I have Mr. Pringle Wilson to be here to mark out a Battery. You may depend I shall speak to him about you." At the end, "I have sent you a quintal of our Best fish to the care of my Mother at Boston to find you the first opportunity."  11 September 1773.  4 pages : 30 x 35 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/87

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Mr Lemineux is here trying to get the Governor
in chief’s leave to go Home & Suppose will take his
passage with me as I intend going home by
way of Lisbon. You may assume as I have pretty
good Interest here, I shall use it for you
when ever it is in my power. It would be the greatest
Cruellty ever to think of ordering you to this place.
I here Mr Pringle is Soon to be here to mark out a
Battery. You may depend I Shall Speak to him
about you. I shall write you soon again by way
of Halifax to the Care of John Butler Esqr at
Halifax with whom I Correspond, to that place I
would beg the favour you would direct a Letter
for me this fall, to be forwarded to me in England
all the family are well my little Boy walks alone
finely. Every body Joins me in Compliments &
good wishes for Mr Easson wishing him many years
of Health, am, very truly
          Your affectionate
          Humble Servant
          Wm Saunders
Placentia 11th Septr 1773

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