Saunders, apparently a military friend, writes, "it would be the greatest cruelty to think of ordering you to this place. I have Mr. Pringle Wilson to be here to mark out a Battery. You may depend I shall speak to him about you." At the end, "I have sent you a quintal of our Best fish to the care of my Mother at Boston to find you the first opportunity." 11 September 1773. 4 pages : 30 x 36 cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/87
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Mr John Eason
I Received your very Obliging favour of
the [blank] August by Barker which gives me much
pleasure to find my Brother has been wise
as might come up to you, his going to Annapolis
gives me infinite pleasure & satisfaction & hope he
he will make himself contented to live with my
Aunt Walker until you can look out for a
farm for him. I before told you I would advance
as far as a Hundred pounds Sterling as Soon as you get
a Snug farm for him which you thought worth
the Money. I should be glad you would advise to
stay some time with my aunt before he purchases.
I write him to be intirely governed by you in
every respect as I am Sure you will be his
friend. I could wish he may take into his head
to marry one of his Cousins but that must be a
work of time to bring about & your friendship as
Soon as I can here [hear] from you that you have got a
a farm to your liking shall immediately advance
the Sum aforementioned
Nova Scotia Archives —
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