Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, John Easson, Halifax, to David Easson

Business details, also comments on David's interest in Mrs. Mott, a widow with two children -- reminding him that if her married her, he would have to pay off her late husband's debts.  3 September 1770.  4 pages : 30 x 50 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/72

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

You will be as Complesant to Capt Dulape and Wilkins as
You Can I promised Mr Ottes [the Mett] a pck of the Dray Small
Beens which You will Lett him have

David you write me that You have Some thoughts of
Changing Your Condition. I Sepose [suppose] it is Mrs Mott You
Meen. She is one that I have as Greate a regard for
as any person that I know and I believe her to be a Virtuous
Sober Discreett Woman but David I would have You
Sett down and Consider that it is a very mighty Concern.
You Must Consider You will have the Charge of them
two Children and I know that She has more than a Common
fondness for the Children which will I am afraid
May Make Great uneasiness between You and You
May Depend on it You Must pay all her Leat [late]
Husband’s debts if She was a Single woman you
know what I mean there is non that I Should
Cheuse before her. Consider well before You Engage
too far and I hope You will Do for the best and
pray to God to Direct You in the right way which
I hope he will which is My prayers to God
for You. Whell [well] I am, John Easson
David I wish You Could Gett Som[e] hay from
Mr Abya Porter for what he Ows me
and ten Shillings for Capt Buck an Order.

I am indebted to Miner the tayler [tailor] a bushel of Grain
that Mr Harris was to have.

Nova Scotia Archives —

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