Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Copy of letter, John Easson to Francis Johonnot

Concerning Easson's unsettled account and the deaths of Major Phillips and Daniel Dyson. Account was sent to Halifax for attornies to settle. Easson offers £100 in full settlement.  8 July 1766.  2 pages : 30 x 49 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/66

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          Annap : Royal 8th July 1766
Mr Johonnot
not owing to any want of my good intentions that our acco[unt] remain yet unsettled.
as they both Died much in Dept [debt] & I was unfortunatly too much concerned with them.
were any thing in your Dept [debt] but as I was always willing to pay every person what
is justly due as farr as I am able. I sent Your Acct to Halifax, there to be settled by my attor'y.
& he accordingly met Mr Harris (your attor'y) who produced two acc'ts from you (properly
attested in the year 1763) neither of which I had ever seen, upon which nothing could
be done by Attorney till I had seen & examined them. they are now before me & I think
liable to many objections on a thoro' examination. But as an opportunity
now offers for Boston & as I have already had too much trouble with these
things, I now Sir tell you that I will pay you One hundred Pounds lawful
Money of NE for which I expect your receipt in full of all Acc't as will on my
Own proper acc't as for the partnership lately subsisting between Major Philipps,
D Dyson & myself. This is a much larger Sum than I am Advised to Pay, but as
I have reason to believe you will be well pleased to get it witout giving your
self or me any more trouble. I have thought proper to make you this offer before
any Lawyers are feed and I shall impatiently expect your Answer by the first
opportunity being very well inclined to be your
          friend & well wisher
To Mr Francis Johonnot

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