by Charles Lawrence, Captain General and Governor in Chief over His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia by his present Majesty King George the Second. "Beginning easterly at the lands of Jonathan Hoar and terminated northerly by Allen's Creek and to proceed up the Creek till it comes within forty rods of the Mills, and thence to run easterly twenty chains, thence south six degrees east one hundred chains, thence west six degrees south til it meets with the farm lots of Cott Hoar and is bounded by the Hoar Farms til it comes to the boundaries first mentioned containing five Hundred acres." In a different hand is added "Also a piece of marsh land purchased by him of the French Inhabitants containing about seven acres." The grant is also signed by Buckeley and registered 29 July 1765 by J. Pottier, Books of Record, Lib. 8, page 268. No image available for this item. 30 September 1759. pages : x cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/53
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