Discussing Easson's account with William Bogdani, his pay, and business with Box & Austin. 29 August 1749. 1 page : 30 x 31 cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/4
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Mr. John Eason London, ye 29 August 1749
I am favoured with yours of ye 17 June in answer
you have herewith your Account with Wm. Bogdani, Esq. wherein you will
see he has Accounted for your Pay to ye 2 March last and that I have received
of him for ballance £262.13.7 and place of course to your Credit. I am at this
time a Little hurried but as I find Mr. Bogdani has not given you Credit for
ye bill of £5 on Stevens I shall Call on him in a few days and [request ]
advise wither he has reced ye money for it or not.- I am now preparing ye
goods Messrs Box & Austin have wrote for to [send] of Capt. Creige who will
sail very soon what their Amount will be is uncertain till I have in
ye bills of Parcells but whatever money remains in my hands I shall hold
at your disposall I note your Intention of Lodging your future pay in my
hands as it becomes Due for which I thank you and wherein I am [forever]
you here you may allways freely Command —
Your most humble Servant
Thomas Lane
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/easson/archives/?ID=4
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.