Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Major Erasmus J. Philipps, Annapolis Royal, to Joshua Mauger

Regarding Capt. Mauger's failure to obtain insurance on the sloop Wren, and agreeing to accept £150 as a settlement from him. John Easson and Daniel Dyson signed their approval.  26 November 1754.  3 pages : 30 x 49 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/37

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

We had more than common reason to rely upon Your management
in this unlucky affair as the Insurer was your relation recommen=
ded by yourself, and finally that the vessell and Cargo or the returns
were to fall into your hands on its arrival at Halifax, after her
voyage to Antigua by which you would have been entitled to the
Commission with the other advantages attending a thing of that
          Wherefore I cannot in the least doubt our Title to the
whole advantage of the Insurance, for the reasons abovementioned
with many others formerly given you, but as I wrote you on the
21st past, I thought it convenient for the parties in order to
alleviate this burthen of that misfortune to divide the loss in
equal share between you and the Company each one half To which
You replyed by yours of the 4th Current, that you are willing to
bear one third only: And I am now to imform you that we
cannot help continuing in the same opinion with regard to
the half tho’ notwithstanding the misfortune is so great to
us as well as our disappointment of having the affair
decided by Arbitration by Yours and our friends at Boston
and to give you further marks of our uprightness and
Candour we propose that you shall allow us £150 clear of all
charges and if you object even to that lett it be on the terms
You mention vizt You to bear one Third as we are determined
to suffer any loss rather than go to law, so that your next reply
to this may put things in a way to be settled between you
and the Company without loss of time. I am with esteem
          Dear Sir
          Your most Obedient
          Humble Servant
          Eras: Jas Philipps

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