Four-page document containing synopsis of business dealings with Anthony Castaing in Louisbourg. Louisbourg, 19 May 1754: a schooner had been sold by the Indians, so he [Castaing] had no vessel to send wine, rum, and molasses [prohibited trade] but he requested that horses, boards, moose skins, hand barrows and shovels be sent to him. 14 August 1754: difficulties regarding disposition of the vessel and its cargo. 7 September 1754: Castaing has been unable to sell the vessel, which has gone on to Boston, loaded with additional goods; nor has he been able to sell the horses and building material, since work on the fortifications has not yet begun. 7 September 1754: unable to sell the sloop at the price asked and it goes to Boston; number of vessels come from New England to be sold, only one horse sold. Invoice enclosed for goods loaded on the sloop and consigned to Mr. Ben Hallowell, Boston. King's work not yet begun is reason for no sales. (two small pieces missing.) 7 September 1754. 4 pages : 30 x 48 cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/34
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