Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

"Copies of Mr. Anthony Costaign's letters to us"

Four-page document containing synopsis of business dealings with Anthony Castaing in Louisbourg. Louisbourg, 19 May 1754: a schooner had been sold by the Indians, so he [Castaing] had no vessel to send wine, rum, and molasses [prohibited trade] but he requested that horses, boards, moose skins, hand barrows and shovels be sent to him. 14 August 1754: difficulties regarding disposition of the vessel and its cargo. 7 September 1754: Castaing has been unable to sell the vessel, which has gone on to Boston, loaded with additional goods; nor has he been able to sell the horses and building material, since work on the fortifications has not yet begun. 7 September 1754: unable to sell the sloop at the price asked and it goes to Boston; number of vessels come from New England to be sold, only one horse sold. Invoice enclosed for goods loaded on the sloop and consigned to Mr. Ben Hallowell, Boston. King's work not yet begun is reason for no sales. (two small pieces missing.)  7 September 1754.  4 pages : 30 x 49 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/34

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

          Copies of Mr Anthony Castaign’s Letter to us
Dates of sd letters

May 19th 1754
          I have had the honour of Answering yr [your] Letter dated
          The first of April, last fall in which I advised you that there
          Was no recovering the schooner, for she was sold by the
          Indians before the Governor or I could have time to get
          her, I have received your Letter dated Jany last ye 22nd in
          which you wanted my advice about the schooner if I had
          known your mind that time I could have bought her for
          what the Indians, sold her, she is still in this place
          I have tryed [tried] for a vessell to freight your way to send
          some wine Rum, Molasses etc according to your articles
          but could not get one because it is a prohibited Trade
          I would advise you to send a Vessell immediately with
          Ten or twelve Horses, boards, moose skins & all other
          Sorts that happen in your way, some hand barrows
          & Shovells, because the Kings works are to be Sett on
          immediately as for fish I would not advise you to send
          any Oats are sold at about half [ - ] bushell on Account
          of the great Qu [antity] we have from New England Wine
          Rum Molassess & Brandy are very plenty & if you
          intend to follow that Trade with me, I shall want
          another Voyage of Horses soon after the Return of
          which I shall you in any of the forementioned
          Commodities, if in case horses were cheap there I would
          Trade yearly for forty or fifty horses with you they
          must not exceed five years old if in case it should
          be in my power to serve you I shall always be
          willing & ready to do it so that you need not trouble
          any body else. I am
          Your most humble Servant
          A Castaing
PS    I sent you a
          duplicate of this another
          way for fear of miscarriage

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