Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, John Carter, Saint John, NB, to Alexander Easson

Personal news concerning his arrival in New Brunswick and the opportunities for a doctor there. Writes of his fondness for the people he met in Annapolis.  10 June 1826.  4 pages : 30 x 36 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/223

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my views therefore were disinterested and my conduct arose out of a sin-
cere wish to serve the people – gain was not or is not my only ob-
ject, the happiness of doing good and being loved & respected by my
friends & neighbours are objects far dearer to me and I am sure
a princely fortune would not compensate me for the hatred of those
around me - it is with such sentiments I have entered &
shall I hope again enter your country or any other where my
lot may be fixed and with these feelings I shall not blush to meet my
enemy in the Gate:: —— I would be glad now to ask after your family
but I don’t know which of them to ask after first though your good
old mother ought to claim my first inquiry - she I hope is well
at best as well as her Age admits of – Mrs Eason I hope is well & my
young patient master Henry, to the young ladies I beg to be very
Kindly remembered and as to that young scamp David I hope
he wont kill himself before I see him to your mother & Mrs Eason
I beg to be remembered very kindly, to Mr.Fearon & Mrs. Fearon
also together with both famlies of the Hardwicks – I hope Mrs
Hardwickes health is improving – when you write give me all
the news about my friends you can collect – I mean to write
to Mr Fearon & Mr Henry Hardwicke soon – I have a great respect
for both families and shall be always happy to hear how well
they are – I often think of the suddenness of that young mans death
and am often thankful for Mrs Fearons recovery. ———
I have been anxiously looking out for a good dog and as yet can
see but one to please me in the town, however, I shall not lose
sight of a good one if such a thing can be had. ——
I hope your brothers family are all well, I beg to be remembered
to them and put Mrs T. Eason in mind of what I was talking to her
about a day or two before I left Annapolis – tell her Ill be quite
happy to be godfather if she does me that honor – Poor Bar-
teaux died since I left – I had not the least hope of his living and I
lament his loss for the sake of his large family – indeed my dear Eason
I am so interested in the welfare of your friends & neighbours that I may

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