Personal letter, writing of news in Massachusetts during the late war; there were 100 soldiers encamped in her house for a year. Asks Easson to send "Six good Sable Skins." 20 March 1784. 2 pages : 30 x 36 cm. Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/137
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Roxbury March 20th 1784
Mr John Easson JP
This comes with my Sincere
Respect to you and Rejoice to hear you are alive
And well, Sir we have Seen a Troublesome times
Since you left our family and we kept our habitation
And Did not Remove Blessed be God for it, we had
One hundred Soldiers Encampt in our house a Year,
We Lived through it with as little Trouble as we
Could expect, these Troubles are over Let us Rejoice in
Gods mercy as I Should be very Glad to See you at our
House Once more, that we Could talk Together and be
Merry Know the wars are hapely Ended, Polly Cheney
Is Married and Is gone to Connecticut, Mr Shad Lives
Single, Sir I am In want of Six good Sables Skins
If you would be So kind as to Send them I will Send you
The money by Them that brings Them
So I Remain your Sincear
Friend & well
Wisher Katharine Curtis
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