Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Joseph Totten to David Easson

Totten is about to depart for New York and may be absent several months; asks Easson to take care of two properties -- one Totten has recently purchased from David's father and is in the possession of Mr. Ritchie; the other wa spurchased from Mrs. Mary How, who remains in residence until "the deeds are executed."  2 August 1783.  2 pages : 30 x 51 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/133

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

As I am Intended Shortly for New York and as it is uncertain
Weather I Shall Return until Next May I therefore wold [would]
Request it as a faver that you would Inspect and Take Good
Care of the Two Places that I have lately Purchest. the
One from Your father which Place until Next May Will
Be In Posession of Mr Riche. The Other Place I Purchest
from Misses Mary how. this place I am To Take Posession
of at The Time the Deedes are Executed allowing the Said
Messes Mary how To Take of the Produce Such as Grain hay
Potatos Beets Cabbage Parsneps Leaving Every thing Els as it Now
Stands. Your Perticheler [particular] Care and attention To the Two aBove
Mentioned Places and Your Providing Som[e] fire wood for My own
use Before I aRive Next Spring and Provideing what [parts?]
You Think there may Be wanting and Repareing any fence
That You May think Necessary Or aney [any] thing Els You May
find wanting To Be Don[e] Weill Not only Meet with My
Greatefull Acknowledgement but I Shall willingly Pay for
all the Trouble and Expence You Shall Be at
Your Complying With the aBove Requests will
          Very Much Oblige Sir
          Your Verey Humble Servant
          Joseph Totten
To Mr David Easson
Annapolis Royall 2 augst 1783

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