Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Michael Francklin, Windsor, to David Easson

Concerning difficulties over payment for the lumber ("you may depend upon it that you will be carried to Prison if the order is not paid"); he cannot pay Easson unless Mr. Williams provides a certificate for the boards. The Acadians have asked for Easson to travel to "St. Johns" [presumably Ile Saint-Jean, i.e. Prince Edward Island]. Francklin offers to increase Easson's pay to £5 a month "if you can't fall into some Partnership with the Accadians more Profitable."  31 January 1781.  2 pages : 30 x 36 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/123

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

          Windsor 31 Jan 1781
Mr David Eason
          This day Mr Farrell was with me about
Your order which I cannot pay unless Mr Williams
gives you a Certificate for the boards. And I
write a letter to Mr Williams this day which goes
by Archibald. Mr Farrell agrees to wait the
answer from Mr Williams and you may
depend upon it that you will be carried to Prison
If the order is not paid. It is nonsense to talk
of disputing the payment of your own Order
founded on an Execution the case might be
hard but you have now no remedy that I know
          I have Spoke to Amasable Richard about
the Lands at Pitcondiac he will Sell you.
          Tibou says the Acadians want you at
St Johns and that you are desirous of going there
I can have no objection and if you are not
better employed You may go the worst that
may happen we can allow you the Same wages

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