Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Michael Francklin, Windsor, to David Easson

Long and detailed letter instructing Easson to proceed to Tatamagouche, and once there, have Mark Delesdernier send for "Louis Bask [Basque], a Micmack Indian and such other Indians that complain of Ill Treatment by the Master of the Vessell Froze Up at Margomishe [Merigomish]." Easson then to take them to Pictou, and with assistance from "Mr. Patterson," investigate the status of the vessel (thought to be a prize taken "by the rebels") and the alleged mistreatment of the Mi'kmaq. Francklin concluded: "I have had advice that John Allen has twice this winter sent dispaches from Machias by Micmack couriers to Mirimichy and the sea coast of the Gulph. Enquire of the Indians at Tatamagushe if they know anythink of it and Endeavour to get the Originals or Copys of the papers if possible."  25 March 1779.  4 pages : 30 x 47 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/113

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

you want there
          Transact the whole of this Bussiness at as little
Expence as possible
          I have had advice that John Allen has twice this
Winter Sent Dispaches from Machias by Micmack Couriers to Miri-
michy [Miramichi] and the sea Coast of the Gulph. Enquire of the Indians at
Tatamagushe if they know any think of it and Endeavour to get the
Originals or Copys of the papers if possible.
          I am
          Your most humbe Servant
          Mich[ael] Francklin

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