Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Michael Francklin, Windsor, to David Easson

Instructing Easson in distribution of provisions "for the use of the Indians, not exceeding three hundred rations," between 1 December 1778 and 15 April 1779. Francklin was acting under orders from Brigadier General McLean: "I am to request the utmost frugality be observed in the Disposal of these Provisions…The Aged, the Infirm, the Widow, the Orphan are particular objects and an attention paid to them will naturally Strike the generality of Indians, with Reverance and affection for the British government…." A register was to be kept listing those receiving rations.  4 December 1778.  3 pages : 30 x 47 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/112

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          Windsor 4 Decr 1778

Mr David Eason

          By this Conveyance I enclose to Capt John
McDonald Commanding his Majestys Troops at Annapolis
Royal, Brigadier General McLeans letter dated the 29 ultimo [November]
directing that whatever Provisions shall be required by me
for the Use of the Indians between the first Instant [December] and the
15th April next be delivered not exceeding three hundred Rations
the General Informs me there are not more Provisions in Store
than will Serve the Garrison for the Winter. I am to request the
utmost frugality be observed in the Disposal of these Provisions
and that no more of them be distributed than are absolutely
          The Aged, the Infirm, the Widow, the Orphan
are particular Objects and an attention paid to them will
naturally Strike the Generality of Indians, with Reverance,
and affection for the British Government, but I would have
you avoid encouraging the Robust in Idleness by a dependance
on the Kings bounty, nor indeed will the Number of Rations
admit of it.
          The Method of your application for Provissions
will be by Letter to the Commanding Officer of Annapolis Royal
Specifying the names of the Indians you require to be Victualled
together with the Number of Rations you wish to have Served
to them and be pleased to keep a Register of such applications to

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