Announcing his [Bogdani's] retirement from the Board of Ordnance, on account of his poor health, and making arrangements for a successor to work with Easson. 15 March 1764. 2 pages : 30 x 37 cm. Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/20
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Tower of London
15 March 1764
I having been for a considerable
time past in a very bad state of Health, have at length
obtained the favour of the Board to be Superannuated, &
to Retire into the Country entirely from Business. I must
therefore desire you will please to appoint another
person to Act for you, as I shall quit Business at the End of
this Month. I believe Mr John Boddington who Succeeds
me will accept being your Agent if you desire it. Inclosed
I send you your Account Current and desire you will give
me an Order to pay the Balance to whomsoever you shall
appoint. I am Sir
Your most humble Servant
That you may not be at a loss for
a proper Form, I send you enclosed W Bogdani
a Blank one.
Nova Scotia Archives —
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