A lengthy letter regarding Easson's charge against Joshua Mauger for failing to take out £400 insurance on the sloop Wren and its cargo, as Easson had requested. 15 May 1754. 2 pages : 30 x 49 cm. Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/10
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Mr John Easson per Capt. Lewis London 15 May 1754
I Confirm the Preceeding Copy of my last since which I am
Favoured with yours of the 14th January & Duly note your Charge against
Mr Joshua Mauger for his not having Effected the £400 Insurance
you ordered in London on the Sloop Wren & Cargo, I have Considered the
whole you have said on that Subject & in Answer to yours, the date
of Mauger’s Letter for Mr Nicholson ordering this Insurance
was the 5 November 1751 & Came to hand the latter end of December
it is very unlucky Mr Nicholson, could not get the Insurance done
but the Reasons he gave for its being refused by the Insurers, are
Sufficient to Indemnify him, for I dare say none of our Underwriters
would have Touched the Policy, had it been in my hands, under the
like Circumstances, the Time of the Sailing from Annapolis Royall
was a very Material One & which Ought to have been mentioned by
Mr Muger [Mauger], & indeed on this Circumstance depended the Effecting the
Insurance, at least as far as Antigua, where if the Vessell was sold the
Insurance must have ended, for no Person here would Cover the Risque
in any other Vessell, unless the name was described & all Other Particulars,
for settling a premio Adequate to the Risque. How far Mr Mauger
is Liable to make good to the Concerned here in this loss, I cannot take
upon me to say, from the nature of the Transaction it seems to me,
he hath done all in his Power to get their interest Covered in London,
& I Cannot Conceive why he should keep the Advices he Received from
Capt. Nicholson so long a Secret from the Concerned, if he is anyways
to Blame it must be in not Advising Mr Nicholson the Time of the
Wren’s Sailing from your place, & that will depend on the orders given
to Mauger for Making the Insurance which you ought to have sent
me Verbatim before I can form a True Judgement of your Case, & which
if you Incline to have Councils Opinion thereon please to Transmit me
Copy of your Letter to him, however as you mention in yours to me
that the Vessel was to Sail about Christmas & did Actually Sail the
3 January, Mr Mauger having also as you say notice of the Sailing
about Christmas, it Certainly was a great Ommission in him not to
quote the Time of her Sailing to Mr Nicholson, am of Opinion the
Law will not Saddle him with the Loss upon that Account, but
between Friends, I think as the Neglect thereof hath been of such great
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/easson/archives/?ID=1119
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