Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

Letter from Thomas N. Jeffery, Collector of Customs, to Henry H. Cogswell, Deputy Provincial Secretary, declining to have any further charge of the Black Refugees
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Refugee Negroes as he may think fit to deliver into my charge, but as the whole of the Department at Melville Island have been discharged under an Order from His Excellency Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, on the 20 of June last, and the Negroes now provided for, under an order from His Excellency to the Commissionary General, I beg leave to state to you that I do not consider myself in any manner acting in that Department, from the date above states, and further I must beg to [remind?] you that I have never had the [illegible] of these people nor have I ever made requisition for issues of Provisions, or for Expenses incurred for their maintenance, or support, having acted solely under the direction of His Excellency Sir

Date: 30 July 1816

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 421 number 34

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