Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      The Board having considered and advised upon the said paper, resolved that the said paper is insolent rebellious and highly disrespectful to His Majesty's authority and Government, that His Honor would therefore please to tender the Oaths to the inhabitants, and in case of refusal to commit the ring leaders to prison, whereupon His Honor desired the three Deputies Abraham Bourg, Charles Landry and Guillaume Bourgois to be admitted and having tendered them the Oaths, severally, they refused to take them on any other terms than those set forth in their answer; then Francis Richards who had voluntarily taken the Oaths to His late Majesty, being called in, he likewise refused to take them to his present Majesty, as did four or five more; the rest of the inhabitants having withdrawn themselves without coming to the fort or seeing the Lieut. Governor.  
      Ordered that the three Deputies Abraham Bourg, Charles Landry, and Guillaume Bourgois as also Francis Richards, for their contempt and disrespect to His Majesty's Government and authority, be committed to prison, and that the other inhabitants for having refused the Oaths to His Majesty, shall be debarred from fishing upon the British Coasts, till His Majesty's further pleasure shall be known concerning them, pursuant to the 13th Article of Governor Philipps' instructions. *   *   *   *   *   *  
Lieut. Govr.      


      Met at the same place according to yesterdays minute on Sunday, the 17th of September 1727.  


      The Honble. Lieut. Governor and the same members as then.  
      His Honor represented to the Board that the three Deputies in prison had been guilty of several enormous crimes in Assembling the inhabitants in a riotous manner Contrary to the orders of the Government both as to time and place, and likewise in framing a rebellious paper which they, instead of complying with his orders to assemble the inhabitants at this

    * Captain Hamilton was afterwards Governor of the Fort of Placentia, in Newfoundland, and attained the rank of Major.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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