Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


settlements in this Province the same Oaths, and oblige them all to take them, and send them home to Your Grace for His Majesty's approbation, herein I hope honestly to do my duty and if possible to gain both the French and Indians of this province to be faithful and honest subjects to His Most Gracious Majesty, and this his Government of Nova Scotia. I find really both the French and Indians very well satisfied both with the Peace and the Oaths of Fidelity taken to King George, in effecting of which it has and will cost me a great deal of money as well as pains and Labor.


Governor Armstrong to Secretary of State.

(Letter Book.)


30 April 1727.      


      Since my last, dated 24th November 1726 I have the mortification to tell Your Grace for his Majestie's information, that there arrived here from Boston one Mr. Gambell, formerly a Lieut. in the Army, who I am told came from England with Major Cosby to Boston, in New England, where the Major still continues, tho' I have ordered him to his post at Canso, and in defiance and disobedience to my orders stays in New England to know the result of the said Gambell's false complaints against me. After his arrival here from England he associated himself with some Boston antimonarchical traders, who, together with some evil intended French Inhabitants that had lately taken the Oaths of fidelity to his most gracious Majesty, which they never would be brought to before by any former Commander, and incited them to sign such complaints as he had formed against me, telling them that I had no power nor authority to administer them such Oaths, and also that Major Cosby would be with them this Spring with full power to Govern the Province; in short he has instilled such rebellious principles into the Inhabitants of Minas and *Beaubassin, two of the principal settlements, to the former of which I sent 'Captain Bennett to administer the Oaths and Ensign Philips to the latter. They are both returned, with the said Inhabitants answers and resolutions not to take any oath but to their Notre Bon Roy de France as they express it, as Your Grace will see in their answer No.1, from Beaubassin, and that from    
    * Cumberland Basin.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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