you how we have received him, by forbidding him to Exercise his ministerial function & to depart by the first convenient opportunity.
The Inhabitants have Petitioned strongly for his Officiating this Winter, I have not given them yet any answer nor can I yet inform Your Grace of the Council’s resolution the affair being still before them, I have sent home all the papers & Letters on this Subject, that your Grace may have a full insight into this matter, which I thought proper because I am assured that the French Court will make some stir therein. No.1 is Mr St Ovide's first letter after Mr St Poncy's arrival at Lewisburg; No 2 is my answer; No 3 is his Reply; No 4 is Mr St Poncy's Declaration in Council; No 5 are the minutes of Council; and No 6 is the Petition of the Inhabitants signed by one hundred & seven of the Chief of them; By some of the above Papers, your Grace will be Informed how high the ffrench Govermt. carry's her pretensions over their Priests obedience, and the People of the Province being all Papists are absolutely governed by their Influence. How dangerous this may prove in time to His Majesty's authority & the peace & tranquillity of the Province, I believe your Grace can easily forsee, and how to prevent the ill Consequences I know not, without we could have Missionaries from places Independant of that Crown, but this will prove a considerable expence which the French King bears at present with alacrity for very Politic all reasons. It is most certain that there is not a Missionary neither among the ffrench nor Indians who has not a Pension from that Crown. I shall not trouble your Grace any further in this matter only to beg that you'll please to Honour me with his Majesty's Instructions & Directions how to behave myself in affairs of this nature for the future. *
I have the honour to be with the utmost respect,
Your Grace's
Most obedient & most faithfull
Humble servant,
Annapolis Royall
the 22 Novemr. 1736.
Governor Mascarene to the French Deputies.
(Govr: Letter Book.)
The offence Given to his Majesty's Government By Publishing an Excommunication with intention to Deprive of all