Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


and therefore hope you'l acknowledge, that those who won't Conform themselves to the laws of any Government Dont Deserve its protection.

      I should be Glad to see you here But as to the Executing of your office, I have wrote to the Court of Great Britain, and I doubt not their Answer. The inclosed from Mr. De Poncis I hope will Safely Reach your hands and am


Your most obedt. Servt      



      21 Novr 1732

      W. SHIRREFF Secry


      At a Council held by order of the Hon. Lt. Governor Armstrong at Major Copes house in His Majesty's Garrison of Annapolis Royal on Saturday, the 23d of December 1732.


      John Adams Esq, William Skene Esq, William Shirreff, Secretary, Major Henry Cope, Otho Hamilton Esq.

      The Secretary acquainted the Board that His Honour had directed him to acquaint them that he is informed that the inhabitants, by a mutual consent, are contriving all the ways and means possible to distress His Majesty's Garrison, by raising the price of all eatables, fire wood &c; and whereas they daily act with so much contempt, and behave themselves in most respects, as independent of any Government, and showed so little respect to His Marjesty's Sovereignty, through a spirit of disobedience and obstinacy, and seeing such innovations and proceedings of theirs, without any visible reason for their so doing, may not only at this time, but hereafter, prove detrimental to the Province in general; he had therefore recommended the same to their consideration for their advice and opinion thereon, and desired that they would consult upon such methods as may be used to keep them to their obedience, and to consider whether, for their disobedience, they may not be debarred from the liberty of ffishing and navigation, till, according to their allegiance, they paid actual obedience to all legal orders. *   *   *   *   *   *


Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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