Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


subsist that Winter by them or perish; for by ye methods he took when he returned to Boston left us intirely unproyided in all respects.

      Mv Lords were I to relate the means and methods he took when here, itt would be too troublesome, there never having been anything proposed by him for either the service or country or Garrison, but a continued Scene of unpresidented methods taken to ruine Mr. Vetch or any other person who interposed on that head.

      I must own 'tis with ye greatest reluctancy imaginable that I am obliged to acquaint your Lopps. of ye frequent misbehaviour of Capt. Armstrong of this Garrison towards several inhabitants here and by my next shall transmitt your Lopps. the several complaints in behalf of ye said inhabitants.

      I shall endeavour from time to time to transmitt your Lopps. the best accounts I may be able to procure relating to this Province and as well their proceedings at Cape Breton and am with great respect

My Lords Your Lordships      

most obedient      

most obliged      

humble Servt.      

T. CAULFlELD.      

To the Honrble

      the Lords Comrs. of Trade &c.


Lt. Govr. Caulfield to Board of Trade and Plantations.

(Governor's Letter Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, May ye. 16th, 1716.      


*   *   *   *   *   *   *

      The Island of St. Johns which the ffrench of this Collony seemed to like in case they were obliged to quit us, is intirely abandoned by those inhabitants who went there out of this Governmt.

      I recd. a letter from ye People of Minis of their resolution to continue in this Governmt. and are making all preparations for emprovement, as formerly, and they seem impatient to hear what is determined on their behalfs.

      I cannot omitt informing Your Lordshipps that there are no Courts of Judicature here established to decide any dispute that may happen amongst the Inhabitants wch. I formerly endeavored to accommodate to the satisfaction of

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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