Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Consistant to our Duty as Not Posably to admit of it, for my part I Case not to Venture upon a Flood Tide Least any Strange Ships Should appear in Sight, and on the Ebb it runs So Very Strong that a Boat Cant well Row against it. I was Sorrey yesterday to, See the Bombs Drop so far from the Forte as they Did. I was in Great Expectation of Seeing to Day Some of the Shells Discharged from the Large Mortar but hope it wont be Long before I hear that as well as the Large Cannon. I often hear of your Success in Plunder both by Land and water Perticularly a Coach, I hope you have Some Fine Horses for it at Least four to draw it, that it may be said a New England Colonel à. his Coach & four in Nova Scotia. I am also Informed that you have Got a Birch Canno, I think I have Some Title to what you take on the water, If you have any Good Sadle Horses in your Stable I Should be Obliged to you for one to ride round the Ships Deck on for exercise for I am not Likely to have any other, Der Sir your Most Obediant Humble Servt.
JOHN ROUS.      
      To Colo. Winslow at the English  
      Camp at Beausejour. }

Pattrol Probey.      
      June 16. The Trenches to be releived by the Same Number of officers and Men as yesterday Lieut Colo Winslow, Capt Hale and Majr Frye for that Duty to Perade at Four o'Clock. The Enemy began their Fire this Morning Early, which was Briskly returnd by our 13 and 8 Inch Mortars, about Nine Came a Flag of Truce from the Fort with Forms in order for a Capitulation on which a Council of War was Called Consisting of Lieut Colo Monckton, Lieut Col Winslow, Capt Broome, Huzey & Spittle, Majrs Frye, Goldthwait and Bourn & Mr. Bruce the Engineer who rejected their Terms, and Proposed others, viz To this Effect ——  
      1st. That they the French March out with their Small Arms Drums Beating Match Lighted & the Honrs of War and Transported at the Cost of the King of Great Briton to Lewisburgh and not Bare Arms for Six months from the Date & Carry of their Effects, &c.  
      2nd. That the Inhabitants be Left in the Same Scituation as they  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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