Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Regiments, not to give any Interruption, to his recruiting Officers as you find by the dispatch, Majr. Goldthwaite had in his Application. Sr. Willm. Pepperells recruiting Officers levyed their men under my Beating Orders, and all these Forces were regularly raised by the Captn. Generals Orders and Permission. I have had no trouble with them. I am altogether a Stranger to any Agreement made between Frye, and Rogers, or whether there was any; but if there was any, it must be irregular.

      Notwithstanding that by the Post, I sent forward three Inlistments, and informed Mr. Hutchison where he might find two more, which is all that I found Signed by which Men might be held and accordingly I have ordered Coll. Tood to deliver them to Your Officers, which is all that I can do, as for Rogers, I am told he is recognized for a Capital Offence, and is out of my Reach, this farr I have Exerted myself for the Service of the Eastern Expedition --- which is more than Govr. Shirly asked for, in Febry. he wrote me a Letter informing me that he was in great Want of a few Men, and desired me to permit the Officers to raise them in my Government, and promised me that he would askt no more favours of that Kind. Accordingly I gave his Officers Liberty to raise thirty men in the Regiment he proposed. The Men in Coll Tood's Regiment, I have advanced two Dollars for each Man which be so Kind as to leave in Mr. Hutchison's hand for my order.

      The Troops I am now raising for the Crown Point Expedition with what have been drafted out of the Regiments in this Government, for his Majess. other Services, will amount to one Sixth Part of the effective Men of this Government, by which Means, I shall with great Difficulty raise the full Number of forces intended to be raised. The Sections of the (Articles of the Articles [sic]) of Warr I have received, and a Clause of an Act of Parliament made in the 28th Year of his Majesties Reign, this Clause I apprehend is in Point against listing men in the respective Governments without the Authority of the Captain General so doing, it being presumed that the Govr. of each Province much be best acquainted with the Circumstances of his Own Government: but let that be as it will, I am always ready to do my utmost to promote His Majest. Service in General, as you will find by the Men I have Ordered to be delivered you by Coll. Tood.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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