Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


water they want before night. a Captain of the Day for the Guard who is to go the Grand rounds between the Houers of Twelve & Two and then Liberty to retier to his Quarters. one Sub, 2 Serjants, 2 Corporals, 1 Drum & 44 Private Men.



      September 1st, 1755. Detached Lievt Buckley with the Party ordered yesterday for Piziquid having before agreed with Captain Murray an officer & So many Men as we have No People acquainted

with the Countrey the Party I am to Receive to Serve us as Pilotes, and in the Evening Lievt Mercer and his party arived who I incampt by them Selves on the West Side of the Church, an Took the officer to my Quarters.

      2nd. Sett out Early in the Morning in a whale Boat for Fort Edward having with me Doctr Whitworth and adjutant Kennedy to Consult with Capt. Murray in this Crittical Conjuncter. Confirmed our Proposd Plan and Determined three of the Clock in the afternoon to be the time. Made out a Citation to the Inhabitants to Convene them, vizt.: those in my Districk att the Church in Grand Pre, those of Capt. Murray at Forte Edward at Piziquid. Got it put into French by Mr. Beauchamp, a Merchant, and is in these words:

      By John Winslow, Esqr., Lievt Colonel & Commander of his Majesty's Troops at Grand Pre, Mines River, Cannard and Places adjatiant, &c.

      To The Inhabitants of the District of Grand Pre, Mines River, Cannard, &c., as well ancient as young Men & Lades.

      Whereas his Excellency the Governour has Instructed us of his Last resolution Respecting the maters Proposd Lately to the Inhabitants and as ordered us to Communicate the same to the Inhabitants in General in Person his Excellency be desierous that each of them Should be fully Satisfyed of his Majesty's Intentions which he has also ordered us to Communicate to you Such as they have been Given him.

      I therefore order and Strictly Injoyne by these Pressence to all the Inhabitants as well of the above named Districts as of all the other Districts. both old men & young men as well as all the Lads of ten years of age to attend at the Church at Grand Pre on Fryday the 5th Instant at Three of the Clock in the afternoon that We May Impart to them what we are ordered to Communicate to them: Declaring that no Excuse will be admitted of on any Pretense whatsoever on Pain of Forfitting Goods and Chattels on Default.

      Given at Grand Pre the Second of September in the 29th year of his Majesty's reign A.D. 1755.


      N.B. —Capt. Murray's is the same to the Inhabitants of Piziquid, &c.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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