Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Corne is now all Down, the Weather Being Such has Prevented the Inhabitants Houseing of it, it is his Opinion and Mine that your Excellency's Are not made Publick till Next Fryday: On Which Day we Propose to Put those Orders in Excicution. Am Greatly Oblidged to Your Excellency for the Early Supply Sent By Capt. Nicholls which Arrived Here on the 22nd at Evening & the Next Day all Secured in the Church at this Place of which I have Made a Store, Captain Adams in the Warren is not yet returned From Annapolis. I Shall Therefore Forward your Excellency's Request to Chignecto in a Whale Boat to Sett Forward on the Back of the Tide in the Morning. Wee have Pickquetted in the Camp Before the Receipt of your Excellency's, and I Imagin it is So far from Giving Supprise to the Inhabitants as to their Being Removed, that they Look Upon it a Settled Point that we Are to Remain with them all winter and as this Duty is of no Expence to the Goverment. I Cannot But Flatter My Self your Excellency will Approve of the Matter as Fifty men to Remain will be Better in our Present circumstances, than a hundred without this Protection, and the Other Part of the Troops Put on Duty Abroad. as to Supplys of Ammunition. I Shall Apprise Colo Monckton as Directed And in Every Materiall Point Shall Council Captain Murray, And Altho it is a Disagreable Part of Duty wee are Put Upon I am Sensible it is a Necesary one, And Shall Endeavour Strictley to Obey your Excellency's Orders, Do Every thing in me to Remoue the Neighbors About me to a Better Country, as to Poor Father Le-blond, I shall with your Excellency's Permition Send him to my Own Place.
      Am with the Greatest Regard your Excellencys Most Dutiful & Opedient Seruante,  


On his Majestys Service to his Excellency Charles Lawrance, Lievt Govr & Commander in Cheif of his Majtys Province of Nova Scotia.



Fort Cumberland Camp, August 11th, 1755.

Parole — Richmond.

Countersign — Friends to America.

      All Officers and Soldiers, all Sutlers, Followers and Retainers to the Camp, are hereby Desired to take Notice, that all Horses, Oxen, Cows, Sheep, and all Cattle Whatsoever Which were the Property of the French Inhabitants are Become forfeited to Majesty; Wherefore no Bargains on any Pretence whatsoever For the Purchase of said Cattle will Be allowed of.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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