Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


CAMP AT GRAND PRE, AUGST 26TH, 1755.      

      Whereas Complaint has been Made that Divers of the men have Such a Fondness for Playing of Cards that they neglect their Duty and get an Idle Habbitt. It is therefore ordered that from henceforth no Cards are to be Played within the Camp & that the officers Take Care that this order is executed. Pattrole St. James,



      Camp at Grand Pre, Augst 27th. — Pattrole Marshfield.



CAMP AT GRAND PRE, AUGST 28TH, 1755.      

      Whereas Playing of Quoites within the Camp Tends to Brake the Sword and Spoile the Incampment those Gentelmen and Soldiers who have a Likeing to that Exercise on the North Side or in ye Rear of the Pickquetts and as it is observed that the Soldiers are not So Exact as Could be wished in regard to Clenliness in the Camp Leaving their Cabbage Leaves, Pease Pods, &c., among their Tents which in a Little time will become noyesome. Therefore ordered That Every Person within the Line Take Care to throh out an their Cast Provissions, Greens, &c., not used without the Picquetts in the Fronte of the Camp and not Less than Thirty foot from ye Gate on the Left hand, for Fatigue four men from Each Company to assist the Masons and four from Each Company to assist the well Digers and one Serjant or Corporal to Each Command. Pattrole Newburry.


      This Day Finished the Picquetting & began the owen to Clear our Selves of one of the Egiptian Plagues.


      Camp at Grand Pre, Augst 29th. — Pattrole Concord.



HALLIFAX, 11TH AUGUST, 1755.      

      Instructions for Lievtenant Colonel Winslow Commanding His Majestye's Troops att Mines; or in His Absence for Captain Alexr Murray Commanding His Majesty's Troops Piziquid in Relation to the Transportation of the Inhabitants of the Districts of Mines Piziquid, River of Canard, Cobequid &c. out of the Province of Nova Scotia.



      Having in my Letter of the 31st of July Last Acquainted Captain Murray with the Reasons which Induced His Majesty's Council to

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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