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We are Not as yet able to Do anything in Getting out ye Grain Nor Like too til we have Got rid of our French Frinds & received More Perticular Directions, as to Provissions, Shall Send your Excellency as Directed pr the next oppertunity. have been Very Careful as to weight &c but it is Blended Not only with Detachments of our People, but other Partys &c.
Capt Diggs arived here on the 26th Instant in his Majestys Ship the Nightengil and Exspected our People were Embarkd & Informd Me that he Could remain but a Short time wither the Vessels were ready or Not, but however was So Good as to go up with me to Capt Murray and acquaint with the Scheem Proposed and will waite the return of of this Expres, wither he writes the admiral or Not I Donte Know your Excellency is Best Judge what is necessary to be Done on that account.
The French are Constantly plying me with Petitions & remonstrances with which I Shante Trouble your Excellency but with one which they So Importunate with me to Send that I Could Not put them off.
Here is one Colo Donnal an old Trader in this part recomended to me by My Frend Sir WiIlm Pepperrell, that Says he has a Quantity of Indian Corne and Some Goods that he Imported into this Place, and the Property of them never altered, and desiers permition to take them off. I have Told him nothing Can be Done but by you Excellencys Immediate orders which I Shall waite.
Our People in Camp Suffer as their Camps are very thin & do Not Protect them from the rain or Could and Cant but apprehend their Health is in Danger, which moves me more Pressingly to alter our Scituation and that as Soon as May be. Here is one jean dine whose Parents were English and he Borne in New Yorke and is Very Servisable here and would be Glad to remain (has Marryd a French wife). I Told him I would acquaint your Excellency & belive he would be of Service to Settlers that may Come as he has a Perfect Knolledge of the Country. have now on Board the Transportes, 330 men.
am with the Greatest regards your Excellencys Most Dutifull Most obediant & Humble Servt.
On His Majtys Service To His Excellency Chas Lawrance Esq Lievt Govr & Commandr in Cheif of his Majtys Province of Nova Scotia &c.
I am Favored with yours of the 26th Instant and Shall Give all the assistance in my Power to the People Sent by Capt Goreham & Mr. Justice Creighton to Collect and do it with the more Pleasure as Capt Goreham is my Perticular Frind. I am Sorrey the Transportes are So