Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


you would of your own and allow no Exspence to be Incurd that is not absolutely Necessary and what you Can be Certain will Turn out for the Publick Benefit; for if the Exspences Lade out Should amount to More than the value of the Grain Saved it would not Look so well on our part. Let the present Prospect of advantage to the Goverment be Never So Good. I am in hopes that Rogers is before this time arrived with the Provissions which are Compleated of all Species for 400 men for one month or four weeks, as to Molasses Mr. Winslow wrote from Chignecto that there was Great Quantity there Laid in for the Provincial Troops which I Suppose Colo Monckton will Send you a Proportionable Quantity by the Provission Vessels, but if he does Not there Shall be Some Sent from Annapolis or from Hence. as Soon as your People are Embarked I would have you Loose No time in Sending a Strong Detachment to Major Handfield agreable to your former Instructions as he Seems to want them very much being Suspicious that ye Inhabitants of that River will not Come in Volentarily as they have Promised, when the Vessels are ready to receive them

      We Shall when the Country is Clear of French Inhabitants have much use for the Rangers, and as that Service Can Never be So well performed by any as by real Indians, I Must desier it as a Perticular Favor that you will Countenance as far as you have it in your Power the Exchange Proposed by Capt Goreham in the Inclosed Letter which he writes you at my Desier. Shall not Scrupple to Give them an additional allowance for Shoes and Stockings when upon Duty in the Country or Give Orders for their having them from the Stores. be so Good as to Send me by the First Occasion a List Signd by you of the Names of all Commissioned, Non Commissioned officers and Private Men of the Detachment under your Command from Chignecto Distinguished under their Several Corps and Companys. as it is Necessary for Making out the Victualling return to be Transmitted to the Lords of the Treasury. You will Keep an Exact count of the weight of the Fresh Meat that you Issue to the Troops under your Command as it must be Charged against the Conerator and ye Value passed to the Goverments Creditt, and with regard to the allowance I have fully Exspland my Self in my answer to Capt Murray upon that Head which he will Communicate to you if you See Occation. Your Most Obediant Humble Servant.


      P.S. Donte Know how to Supply with Salt unless you Could Get Some from Annapolis by Horse Carrage.

On His Majestys Service To Lievt Colo Winslow Commanding his Majestys Forces at Mines.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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