Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


that Sir Jeffery Amherst had further wrote to Governor Bernard on this matter, hoping that the General Assembly would reconsider their Votes, and make provision for disposing of those People; but by Mr. Hancock's letter to the Lieutenant Governor of 29th September, it appears that before the General's letter, solliciting a reconsideration of the Vote, had arrived, the General Assembly had been prorogued.
      “ 5th. It appeared that Captain Brooks Commanding the Convoy of Transports, having been directed by Instructions from the Lieutenant Governor, to follow the orders and directions of Governor Bernard, and Advise with Mr. Hancock, he had accordingly applied for Orders to the Governor, who acquainted him, that according to the desire of the General Assembly, he could not permit the landing of the Acadians, nor could he give him any Orders, but directed him to receive his Orders from Mr. Hancock, who advised him to return to Halifax, for that he had no Authority to supply any Provisions for the Transports in case they were to remain any longer; and it further appeared that Mr. Hancock disapproved of Captain Brooks's Proposal to send Expresses to Sir Jeffery Amherst, or to the Lieutenant Governor, on account of the Expence of the Transports being longer detained, and his want of power to furnish Provisions.  
      “ Upon the whole the Committee are of Opinion that full and explicit Orders were given to Mr. Hancock, to supply the said Acadians with Provisions and all necessaries till the final determination of Sir Jeffery Amherst in what manner they should be disposed of, under whole more immediate direction they were.  
      “ That Mr. Hancock being Agent for this Province and fully acquainted with the purpose & Intentions of sending the said Acadians to New England, as they had been kept here only as Prisoners of War; and as he well knew the dangers to which this Province was exposed by their Residence here, We are further of Opinion that he had neglected the Interest and Safety of this Province, which the Lieutenant Governor had reposed in him, by discouraging the Proposal made by Captain Brooks of sending a fresh Express, and waiting for further Orders from Sir Jeffery Amherst, or sending an Express to the Lieutenant Governor of this Province; and particularly by declaring to Captain Brooks that he was not empowered to furnish him with any thing but such little Expences as might occur till Sir Jeffery Amherst's pleasure could be known, as appears by Capt. Brooks's own Declaration, and by  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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