Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


der of them to come with their Effects in those Vessels to Bay Verte, as soon in the Spring as the Navigation opened, when they should know Your Excellency's pleasure concerning them."

      “ They likewise seem'd well Satisfied, & promised to come according to Order if possible, but were afraid (as those Vessels were all drove ashore by the late terrible Storm) they should not be able to get them all off, but would use their utmost endeavour to do it, and would bring all they could.”

      “ The Affair being thus determined, they (on the 20th) took their departure, since which, there has arrived at this Place from Petcoudiack, of Men, Women, & Children fifty one; the remainder of those to Winter here are daily expected. As for those that were to come from Merimichi, Richibucta, and Bouctox for their Winter Support, the distance between this and those Places being so great, the Deputies told me I might not expect to see any of' them till fourteen Days after Christmas, but that it was likely some of their Young men might he here upon Business sooner; and accordingly on the 4th Inst. four Men from Richibucta arrived here, who informed me those Deputies were got to their Place before they left it, that the People were agreeing who should come, and who should stay till Spring, and that I might expect to see them all then.”

      “ By all which it pretty evidently appears, that early in the Spring, there will be at this Place & Bay Verte about Nine hundred Souls, to he disposed of as Your Excy. shall see fit. I have therefore taken this Opportunity to acquaint you with the Affair, and to request your directions for further Proceedings with them.”

      JNO. DUPORT,

      Sec. Conc.


Extract from Minutes of a Council holden at Halifax on Saturday, the 12th January, 1760.

      The Council took into Consideration the Letter laid before them by His Excellency the last Council Day, and were of Opinion that notwithstanding the french Families, mentioned in the Letter, had been continually in Arms against His Majesty, within the undoubted Limits of this, His Majesty's Province: yet in Compassion to this their distressed Condition, and in order to their being the more easily assembled in the

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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