Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


“ Fort Cumberland, Chignecto, Dec. 10th, 1759.      

“ Sir ”
      “ On the 16th of Novr. past, Alexander Brusard, Simon Martin, Jean Bass, and Joseph Brusard, arrived here under a Flag of Truce, as Deputies for about One hundred and Ninety french men, Women, and Children, residing in the Departments of Pitcoudiack and Memoramcook whose Business was to Surrender up themselves and Constituents to English Government; at the same time informed me they were in a miserable Condition for want of Provisions, having not more among them all, than could (by the most prudent use) keep more than two Thirds of their number alive till Spring; therefore begged I would have Compassion on them, and allow them some, otherwise they must all Starve.”  
      "Being fully satisfied since their Canada is taken from them, there was no danger but their necessitous Circumstances would keep them under Command, I thought it might not be amiss to use my Endeavours, to make the Collecting them into a Body, as cheap to the Government as possible. Therefore told them I would Support no more of their number through the Winter, than exceeded the reach of their own Provisions. They then begged I would allow Provisions for one third part of them, assuring me they told the Truth at first, and that if I would not keep that number, they must all die by Famine; upon which I agreed that they should send Sixty three of their People to Winter here, and that the remainder of them might come out of their obscure Habitations into the french Houses remaining on Pitcoudiack and Memoramcook Rivers, where they should live in Peace till Spring, and Ordered that they all be here to attend Your Excellency's Orders concerning them."  
      “ They manifested great Thankfulness for the Treatment they had received; and on the 17th went off leaving Alexander Brusard, who I kept in Custody till I should see their further behaviour.”  
      “ On the 18th Peter Suretz, John & Michael Burk arrived under another Flag of Truce, as Deputies for about Seven hundred Men Women and Children at Merimichi, Richiboucta & Bouctox; their Business & Circumstances with regard to Provisions, was the same as those mentioned before, So I agreed that they should send two hundred and thirty of their People to Winter here; and upon their informing me that they had Twelve Vessels in their Custody, that were Taken on the Coast of Canso the Summer past, I ordered the remain-  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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