Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Governor Phips to Governor Lawrence.

BOSTON, 6 Augst. 1756.      

SIR, —

      I wrote your Excellency 23. of July of which the foregoing is a Copy. I had this day the Honour to receive Your Excellency's Letter of the 1st of July which I communicated to His Majesty's Council, and as it appeared thereby that what this Government had done to prevent the french Inhabitants of Nova Scotia who had Coasted it hither from the Southern Colonies from proceeding any further, was exactly agreeable to Your Excellency's own Sentiments; the Council could not but think that you would be pleased to take some further Care about them. a Charge has already arisen and wherever they remain a considerable Charge will necessarily arise. By Advice of the Council I sent to speak with your Agents Messrs. Apthorpe and Hancock who tell me they can do nothing without Your Excellency's Orders, which hope you'll be so good to furnish them with as soon as conveniently may be. What appeared pretty extraordinary was, that these People had been furnished with a Passport from the Governors of Georgia, South Carolina and New York, which not being now at hand I cannot at present send a Copy of it. I am with much respect &c &c.

S. PHIPS.      

His Excy Chas. Lawrence Esqr.

      Indorsed — Recd. per Jones, 14 Aug.; ansd. 24th.


Extract from a Letter of Govr. Lawrence to Lords of Trade.

HALIFAX, 3rd Nov., 1756.      

      As to the French Inhabitants and Indians, I mentioned to your Lordships in my former letters, that they had committed some acts of hostility, and by lying in wait in the roads where our parties pass and repass, have found opportunities of killing and scalping some of our people, but I am in hopes, when the Troops ordered from Ireland shall arrive, it will be more in my power than it hitherto has been to hunt them out of their lurking places and possibly to drive them entirely out of the Peninsula. As soon as I received information that the Governors of Georgia and South Carolina had given leave to the French Inhabitants to return into the Province, (a thing I

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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