Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Orders & Instructions to Major Prebble.


By His ExcelIy. CHARLES LAWRENCE Esq. &c. &c. &c.      

To Major Prebble commanding the Battalion of Major General Shirley's New England Regiment now embarked in this Harbour in order for their Return to Boston.

      Whereas the Government of this Province have sometime ago come to a determination of Removing the French Inhabitants from this Province on Account of their having refused to take the oath of Allegiance to his Majesty, and given instances of treasonable & treacherous behaviour on their Parts; and Whereas Orders were accordingly issued for the removal of the said Inhabitants, notwithstanding which I have been informed that some of them do still remain in different parts of the province, particularly at Cape Sable and the places round about. You are therefore hereby required & directed to put into Cape Sable, or some of the adjacent Harbours (in your way to Boston) and with the Troops under your command, to land at the most convenient place; and to Seize as many of the said inhabitants as possible, & carry them with you to Boston, where you will deliver them to his Ex. Govr. Shirley, with a letter you will receive with this order. You are at all events to burn & destroy the Houses of the said Inhabitants, & carry their utencils & cattle of all kinds, and make a distribution of them to the Troops under your Command as a Reward for the performance of this Service, & to destroy such things as cannot conveniently be carried off. Given under my hand & seal at Halifax this 9 April 1756.


By his Excellys Command.



Extract from Letter Lords of Trade to Governor Lawrence.

WHITEHALL, July ye 8th 1756.      

      Notwithstanding what you say in your Letter of the Acadians being received in the several Provinces to which they were sent, We must inform you that several hundred of them have since been sent over here from Virginia, and several from South Carolina, and that His Majesty has given

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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