Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      “ In Regard to the Three Years Transmigration proposed for the French Inhabitants of the Peninsula, it would be depriving Great Britain of a very considerable Number of useful Subjects, if such Transmigration should extend to the French, who were Inhabitants there at the time of the Treaty of Utretcht, and to their descendants.”

I am      


Your most obedient      

humble Servant      

T. ROBINSON.      

Indorsed — Recd. per the "Sheffield," King, master, 27 March, 1765.


(Order Book.)

Sailing Orders and Instructions to Saml. Barron Master of the Transport Sloop Providence.

HALIFAX, 3 Oct. 1755.      

SIR, —

      You are to receive on Board your Sloop from George's Island a number of French Inhabitants a list whereof you will receive from the Commanding Officer there and you are to proceed therewith to the province of North Carolina and upon your arrival you are to deliver the Letter you have herewith as addressed and use your utmost diligence to get the people put on shore and will obtain a certificate of their being so landed.

      You will take care to see the allowance of provisions properly served during the voyage agreeable to the following proportion viz 1 lb. Beef 2 lb. of Bread and five pounds of Flour each person per week, and you are to be accountable for what shall remain of the provisions after the people are landed and for what arms you have received from His Majesty's stores for your defence.

C. LAWRENCE.      

To Samuel Barron,

      Master of the Sloop Providence.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

Nova Scotia Archives —

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