Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


time being where they are to be put on shore, and enclose therein the printed form of the certificate to be granted to the Masters of the Vessels, to entitle them to their hire as agreed upon by Charter party, and with these you will give each of the masters their sailing orders in writing to proceed according to the above destination and upon their arrival immediately to wait upon the Governors or Commanders in Chief of the provinces to which they are bound with the said letters and to make all possible dispatch in debarking their passengers and obtaining certificates thereof agreeable to the form aforesaid. And you will in these orders, make it a particular injunction to the said masters to be as careful and watchful as possible during the whole Course of the passage, to prevent the passengers from making any attempt to seize upon the Vessel, by allowing only a small number to be upon the decks at a time and using all other necessary precautions to prevent the bad consequences of such attempts; and that they be particularly careful that the inhabitants have carry'd no arms or other offensive weapons on board with them at their embarkation as also that they see the provisions regularly issued to the people agreeable to the allowance proportioned in Mr. George Saul's Instructions.
      As Captain Murray is well acquainted with the people and with the country I would have you to consult with him upon all occasions and particularly with relation to the means necessary for collecting the people together so as to get them on board, and if you find that fair means will not do with them, you must proceed by the most vigorous measures possible not only in compelling them to embark but in depriving those who shall escape of all means of shelter or support by burning their houses, and by destroying every thing that may afford them the means of subsistence in the Country.  
      You will receive herewith a Copy of the Charter party, which the Masters of the transport Vessels, taken up here, have entered into with the Governmt. for your information as to the terms; those from Boston will be nearly the same; and as you see they are hired by the month, you will use, all possible dispatch to save expence to the publick.  
      If it is not very inconvenient I would have you send the Sloop Dove to Annapolis to take on board part of the inhabitants there destined for Connecticut to which place that vessel belongs.  
      When you have executed the business of shipping off all that can be collected of the inhabitants in the districts about

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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