Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Cattle against Wild Beasts, and that the Wild Beasts had not increased since their Arms were surrendered. That they had some secret Inducement, at that time, for presuming to demand their Arms as part of their Goods and their Right, and that they had flattered themselves of being supported in their Insolence to the Government, on a Report that some french Ships of War were in the Bay of Fundy. That this daring Attempt plainly discovered the falsehood of their Professions of Fidelity to the King, and their readiness has been visible upon every Intimation of force or Assistance from France, to insult His Majesty's Government, and to join with his Enemies, contrary to their Oath of Fidelity.

      Upon reading this Paragraph,

    "Besides the Arms we carry are a feeble Surety
" for our Fidelity. It is not the Gun that an In-
" habitant possesses, which will lead him to Revolt,
" nor the depriving him of that Gun that will make
" him more faithful, but his Conscience alone ought
" to engage him to maintain his Oath."

      They were asked, what Excuse they could make for their Presumption in this Paragraph, and treating the Government with such Indignity and Contempt as to Expound to them the nature of Fidelity, and to prescribe what would be the Security proper to be relied on by the Government for their Sincerity. That their Consciences ought indeed to engage them to Fidelity from their Oath of Allegiance to the King, and that if they were sincere in their Duty to the Crown, they would not be so anxious for their Arms, when it was the pleasure of the King's Government to demand them for His Majesty's Service. They were then informed that a very fair Opportunity now presented itself to them to Manifest the reality of their Obedience to the Government by immediately taking the Oath of Allegiance in the Common Form before the Council. Their Reply to this Proposal was, That they were not come prepared to resolve the Council on that head. They were then told that they very well knew for these Six Years past, the same thing had been often proposed to them and had been as often evaded under various frivolous pretences, that they had often been informed that sometime or other it would be required of them and must be done, and that the Council did not doubt but they knew the Sentiments of the Inhabitants in general, and had fully considered and determined this point with regard to. themselves before now,

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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