Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


mend to your care the Inclosed proclamation, which he left here to be published, and hope you will have a due Regard to the Same, and the Sooner you Come, in obedience thereunto, it will be for your own advantage, and I shall only tell you that due attendance Shall be given to do Each of yon Justice, as your Case may appear. Hearing that there is an Appearance of Scarcity of Grain, The Messenger I have Therefore sent Express to know the truth of these Reports, and to be inform'd what quantity of Wheat and pease yon can Supply me with, for the Support of His Majesty's Garrison, and at the same time to put you in mind of the necessitys of Several Inhabitants in this River. Pray treat the Messenger Candidly and Dispatch him with as Certain and particular advice as possible, that I may noways be put to the Necessity of Want. The quantity I require for the Garrison is two hundred Quinteals of Biskett and Sixty Hogsheads of pease, for which, according to the Information you may send me, shall order you payment, by Messrs. Bissett Donald and Blin, with which I hope you'l make no Difficulty; and as I have Also, at the Request of the Gentlemen here Agreed with Nigan Robichaux to go and purchass Sheep and Black Cattle among'st you, and to bring them hither, I shall by the said merchants likewise order you payment and I hope you'l Encourage what may prove of so Great advantage to yourselves & therefore I conclude
Gentlemen Your most humble Servt.      
      Annapolis Royall 30 August 1731.  
      A true Record by His Honours Command,  


Governor Armstrong to Alexander Bourg, Notary.

(Lett. Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL 18 Dec. 1731.      

SIR, —

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

      I might have expected from you, not only as you are one of the Deputys, But by the Office you Bear in the Government (by Governor Philipps's Appointment) an Immediate and Strict Complyance with all its orders, as also, advise of  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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