Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


have no warrant nor Authority by His Majesties RoyaI Commission and Instructions to Governor Philipps to proceed further against them that refuse the oaths than only to debar them from Fishing during His Majesties pleasurer which restraint many of them are willing to bear with in hopes of some speedy revolution or change of Government which they are encouraged by their Priests and neighbouring French Governors to look for very soon; however I can hardly think that when matters are brought to the push, either to swear or go that they will persist in their disobedience, so far as to quit their plantations and improvements to settle new Colonies tho' they want neither invitations or promises from the Islands of Cape Breton and St. Johns, for that purpose.

      I acquainted Your Grace in my last of several Murders and robberies committed by the Indians in this Province and Newfoundland last fall, which manifestly appear to have been done through the instigations, if not by the assistance of the French; I am since advised that a great body of those people made an appearance near Canso last winter as if they intended to attempt some mischief, but at last retired without committing any Hostilities. *   *   *   *   *   *

I am &c.      


His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State.


Extract from a Letter of Govr. Armstrong to the Lords of Trade.


23 June 1729.      

      The first person shall take notice of for his notorious insolence is Monsieur Bresley the Popish Priest of this river, who having for some time past endeavoured to withdraw the people from their dependance on H.M. Government by assuming to himself the authority of a Judge in Civil affairs and Employing his Spiritual Censures to force them to a submission. His insolence and tyranny growing at last insupportable I sent the Adjutant to him to his house which stands a little way from the Fort to desire to speak with him, but his intelligence proved so good tho' nobody was acquainted therewith but Major Cosby that before the Adjutant could reach his house he was gone off, and has ever since absconded some

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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