Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Mines, and that of Ensign Erasmus James Philipps with those of Checanecto or Beaubassin, and those said inhabitants’ answer in reply to their taking the Oaths to His Majesty as upon file.

      Which being read the opinion of the Board is, that the said inhabitants by their rebellious behaviour and insolent answer deserved no manner of favor or protection from His Majesty or his Government, and agreed that His Honor the Lieut: Govr. had done all that was possible to be done for the good of His Majesty's service. Agreed that the original papers be transmitted home to His Majesty's principal Secretary of State, and to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations for His Majesty's further directions therein.

      Ordered that an order by way of a letter be sent to Alexr. Bourg of Mines, who has the above mentioned paper of complaints against the Lieut. Governor to come here with all expedition and to bring said paper of complaints along with him as he will answer the contrary at his peril. *   *   *   *   *


Lieut. Govr.      

      At a Council held at the place aforesaid on Thursday, the 1st of June 1727.


His Honor the Lieut. Govr.

John Adams Esq., William Skene Esq., William Shirreff Esq., Captn. Christ. Aldridge, Capt. Joseph Bennett, Capt. John Blower.

      The Lieut. Governor represented to the Board that upon the consideration of Capt. Bennett's and Ensign Philipps's report to him of the French inhabitants' behaviour, and refusal of the Oath of fidelity &c., judged proper to invite them once more to their duty by writing them a Civil letter. Which letter being read was approved of ordered to be recorded and forwarded to them accordingly.


Lieut. Govr.      

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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