Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Minas No.2 — and all this occasioned by the incitements and ill conduct of the aforesaid Mr. Gambell and three or four New England Traders, who are now trading with the said inhabitants, that are rebels against His Majesty and this his Province of Nova Scotia. I must also inform Your Grace that the French Missionary Priests, at the above said places, have assembled a great body of Indians, with a resolution to begin the War against His Majesty's Subjects of this Province and New England, all which troubles are occasioned by the aforesaid Mr. Gambell and his abettors. I must beg Your Grace's protection against the said Gambell's complaints, for sure I am he must be encouraged by some people that are enemies and envy me the honor of making a Peace with the Indians, and settling affairs upon a just footing in this province, for His Majesty's service; otherwise he would not presume to come into this Government of himself and commit so many evil practices against his Majesty's Interest here, and with so much contempt against me, who does all that lyes in my power for the dignity and honor of my King and Country. *   *   *   *   *
      The bearer, Captain Bennett, can further tell Your Grace the disposition of the people or French Inhabitants of this Province and also of the conduct of their Missionary Priests, who instil an inculcated hatred into both Indians and French Inhabitants, against the English, he can also inform you what difficulties I have laboured under to get provisions for my ready money to support the Kings Troops with during the time I have been here. *   *   *   *   *  
Your Grace's &c.      

      At a Council held at the Lieut. Governor's of the Province's House in His Majesty's Fort of Annapolis Royal on Tuesday 23rd of May 1727.  


The Hon: the Lt. Governor of the Province.
John Adams Esq William Skene Esq
William Shirreff EsqCapt. Christ. Aldridge
Capt. Joseph BennettCapt. John Blower

      *   *   *   *   * Then laid before the board Capt. Joseph Bennett's Journal of his transactions with the inhabitants of  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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