Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Officers of Cape Breton, wherein the people addressed to, are told that they may for forme sake apply to me, but in case I do not grant their request, they may follow their owne inclinations.
      These things (with submission) require speedy & effectuall redress, that his Majesty's Authority may be better maintained & supported within this Province. I have the honour to assure you nothing shall be wanting on my part towards doeing my duty, but while I am shut up within this Garrison, without the necessary convenience of looking abroad, the people of Minas & Chignecto know very well that they are out of my power & in spite of any thing I can do to obstruct carrying on a clandestine trade with Cape Breton, wch. They supply yearly with corne & cattle in exchange from the woollen & linnen manufactures of France.  
      These practises may in a great measure be prevented, and the people kept in better obeidance, if I might be permitted to hire and arm a sloop with some troops of the Garrison, when occasion requires to visit the Settlements and observe their actions, the charge of which will be inconsiderable compared with that of a Stationship which will cost the Goverment three or four thousand pound pro annum, and this not more than four hundred pounds, one year with another, and that service every way answered: and if I durst propose what I think farther necessary towards retrieving the affaires of this Province, and settling it with safety, it would be the addition of one hundred men, this Garrison being too small to supply all dutys that may be required in the severall services of this Goverment in its present scituation. *   *   *   *   *  
I am with great respect
your most obedient and
most humble servant      

July 1720


To the Rt Honhle James Craggs Esq
one of his Majesty's Principal
Secretary of State at Whitehall
Great Brittain

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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