Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      Whilst I am writeing, the Deputys from the Inhabitants of this river, who had disobeyed Command, in the Choice of their representatives, & were cutting the Communication to Minas, are come with a Submission sign’d by the body, Copy whereof is inclosed markt No 13, so that I am not out of hopes by maintaining the authority of Goverment amongst them to bring them to obedience: they say they will Oblige themselves to be good subjects in every respect excepting that of takeing up arms against the King of France: And I would humbly propose that if an Oath were formed for them to take whereby they should oblige themselves to take up arms against the Indians if required to live quietly & peaceably in their houses, not to harbour, or give any maner of assistance to any of the King's Enemys, to acknowledge his Majesty's rights to these countrys, to pay obedience to his Goverment, and to hold their lands of the King by a new Tenure, instead of holding them (as at present.) from Lords of Mannors who are now at Cape Breton where at this day they pay their rent, how farr this may be thought sufficient to bind them. *  
I am Sir your most      
obedient and humble servant      
R. PHILIPPS.      

To the Rt Honble. James Craggs Esq
      one of his Majesty's Principal Secretary's of State


Governor Philipps to Secretary Craggs.

SIR, —
      Since the last I had the honour to write you matters continue here in the same scituation in regard to the french Inhabitants, who seem yet undetermined which party to chuse, tho if left to themselves, would certainly imbrace that of injoying their possessions, by becoming subjects to Great Britagne but the neighboring french Governors finding that these people will no longer be serviceable to their Interest after swearing allegiance, and judging (too well) of the consequence of wanting such a number of hands to strengthen & improve their Colonys, are makeing use of all stratagems to draw them to their party, to this end the Priests are all assembled at Minas to be near Cape Breton, where their great Council is held, between which places they are continually passing and repassing from whence they disperse false pacquetts, and  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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